Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds provide heaps of the lovely, healthy fats we need. They also provide crucial crunch and interest. Nuts and seeds, you're awesome!

salad seeds

Elevate salads. Dry fry any combo of

sesame seeds

nigella seeds

pumpkin seeds

sunflower seeds

cumin seeds

slivered almonds

pinch of salt

maybe some chilli flakes.

and sprinkle it over whatever the hell you like.

nut butter

You would think it would be such a pain in the bum to make nut butter. It just sounds irritating and time consuming but NO!

Get your nuts.

Put them in the food processor.

Leave it on until it's nut butter (3-5 mins).

Peanut butter turns out to be a vegan's dear friend as it's actually a legume. Go Peanuts! All the other nuts are good for us in smallish doses. Enjoy.


2kg oats

200g dry fried pumpkin seeds

200g dry fried walnuts

200g dry fried slivered almonds

200g dry fried shaved coconut

100g chia

100g linseeds

Mix it all up. Serve with fruit, yoghurt & milk (dairy or other)